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Biography of Argentine footballer Paulo Dybala <a href=https://paulo-dybala-bd.com/>https://paulo-dybala-bd.com</a> personal life, tattoos on the body, wedding with his wife Oriana Sabatini.
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Biography of footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic <a href=https://zlatan-ibrahimovic-bd.com/>zlatan ibrahimovic</a> personal life, his wife Helena Seger, the birth of his sons and rumors of the forward's infidelity with Diletta Leotta. Club career and playing for the Swedish national team, the athlete's goals and achievements, his return to FC Milan.
Biography of Norwegian footballer Erling Haaland <a href=https://erling-haaland-bd.com/>erling-haaland-bd.com</a> photo of the striker of the Manchester City club and the Norwegian national team, sports career in football clubs Borussia Dortmund and Red Bull Salzburg, height, achievements.